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Life Under Water – New Methods of Coral Restoration

Coral reefs are dying worldwide because of climate change – with fatal results for the marine ecosystem and humans. The coral restoration module «CORALLUM» expands the artificial reefs by rrreefs. It provides an ideal basis for rearing corals and creating a permanent habitat for them.



Videointerview. © ZHdK.

«Emilia has developed an additional module for the artificial reefs built by project partner rrreefs. Corals can be reared on this module and then transferred directly onto the reef blocks, expanding and accelerating the regeneration of the artificial reef. This dissertation addresses the complex design requirements for optimum coral growth and underwater handling, but also the production of the modules. These are intended to be made by local people, using simple means and readily available materials. By involving the local population in this way, the project creates a connection to the topic and helps protect resources. It is particularly notable for its holistic approach and high affinity towards the context.» – Excerpt supporting statement of the Subject Area Industrial Design

«CORALLUM» is a coral restoration module that allows corals to grow stress-free. Photo: Emilia Lendi. © ZHdK.
«CORALLUM» is a coral restoration module that allows corals to grow stress-free. Photo: Emilia Lendi. © ZHdK.

«‹CORALLUM› optimises existing concepts of coral restoration and shows innovative approaches by means of.» – Emilia Lendi

The corals are grown in the coral nursery before being placed on the reef by rrreefs. Photo: Emilia Lendi. © ZHdK.
The corals are grown in the coral nursery before being placed on the reef by rrreefs. Photo: Emilia Lendi. © ZHdK.
Trailer «CORALLUM».

«After my Bachelor’s degree, I would like to consolidate my foothold as an independent designer and continue to invest my resources in sustainable projects.» – Emilia Lendi

«CORALLUM» is manufactured using the sand casting process and can be made from locally available materials. Photo: Emilia Lendi. © ZHdK.
«CORALLUM» is manufactured using the sand casting process and can be made from locally available materials. Photo: Emilia Lendi. © ZHdK.

Emilia Lendi graduated at Zurich University of the Arts in 2024 with a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design. Her dissertation project «CORALLUM» was awarded the Punch Prize and exhibited as part of the Swissnex initiative «Climate Ring» during the Climate Week in NYC. Before her studies, she trained as a polydesigner 3D with a specialisation in creation. She now works as an independent designer and is involved in different projects with a focus on sustainability. Her work is characterised by a responsible use of resources and the principles of circular design.