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Autonomous voting for blind people

«Selbstbestimmt» or «self-determined» is a project for improved democratic participation of blind people. At the moment, it is still impossible for them to vote autonomously due to the lack of haptic features on the voting documents.
Together with visually impaired people, we developed a solution to this problem in co-design workshops. The result is a voting kit that combines a smartphone app with a haptic coordinate system. This makes it possible to identify, orient and complete the voting documents autonomously. With the methods used in the workshops, we explored new ways in which designers can work together with blind or visually impaired people.


Videointerview. © ZHdK.

«This project was invited to the Bundeshaus (Federal Palace) in Bern for a presentation and consultation, even before the Bachelor’s finals took place. This shows that there is a need for this solution, and it is also indicative of the trust placed in the design skills of Luis and Lars by the involved organisations for blind people and the co-designing workshop participants.» – Excerpt supporting statement of the Subject Area Interaction Design

The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.

«Using modified and newly devised design methods, a functioning solution was developed in close collaboration with blind people to improve their voting autonomy.» – Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler

Trailer «Selbstbestimmt».

«As an interaction designer, I would like to achieve authentic and satisfying results in the future through holistic thinking and collaboration with various stakeholders.» – Luis Praxmarer

The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.
The voting kit of «Selbstbestimmt». Photo: Luis Praxmarer & Lars Ziegler. © ZHdK.

«I have always been very enthusiastic about all kinds of design challenges, which is why I see myself in a working environment that offers the widest possible range of clients and projects.» – Lars Ziegler

Luis Praxmarer completed an apprenticeship as a Polygraf (media designer) and lives in Zurich. After working in a strategic design agency for two years, he improved his UI/UX and craft skills during his Interaction Design studies at Zurich University of the Arts. In his work, he always considers the design of the entire service. Humans and non-humans are at the centre, and he wants to ensure they are involved in the process to achieve efficient collaboration using suitable design methods. He likes to work according to the double diamond principle and enjoys reflecting on his work to achieve the best possible result.

Lars Ziegler is an interdisciplinary designer based in Zurich with substantial experience in user experience, user interface and graphic design as well as creative and front end coding. He is captivated by the application of diverse skillsets in interdisciplinary pursuits, aiming for holistic project outcomes that consider both user needs and the broader context.