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Redefining Digital Routines

«Justr» investigates the phenomenon of compulsive smartphone behaviour. The concept focuses on the formation of habits and routines over long-term smartphone use and their impact on mental and physical health, as well as on the users' satisfaction. We believe that everyone should be able to decide for themselves which routines they internalize. Therefore, the approach of this concept is to transform problematic behavioural patterns in smartphone use into a long-term satisfying user experience through proven methods of behavioural psychology.


Interview Thore Reigber & Janosch Tillich.

«The project «Justr» by Thore and Janosch tackles one of the most important problems of our time. The increasing compulsive and addictive use of smartphones and social media apps is the consequence of an economy that is increasingly based in attention. The interaction with these devices and apps is based on capturing the most amount of attention from their users, and often employ psychological techniques that may be counterproductive to the user's intentions. This often leads to aimless fidgeting between apps. By focusing on understanding the patterns of use rather than restricting the use of the phone, the project transforms problematic behavioral patterns in smartphone use into a long-term satisfying user experience.» – Excerpt from the supporting statement of the Interaction Design

The «Justr Community». Photo: Thore Reigber & Janosch Tillich. © ZHdK.
The «Justr Community». Photo: Thore Reigber & Janosch Tillich. © ZHdK.

«With our project, we aim to enable an unprecedented level of autonomy in the use of smartphones, so routines that have been influenced and subconsciously internalized can once again become intended actions.» – Thore Reigber & Janosch Tillich

The Companion App. Photo: Thore Reigber & Janosch Tillich. © ZHdK.
The Companion App. Photo: Thore Reigber & Janosch Tillich. © ZHdK.

«With our project, we aim to enable an unprecedented level of autonomy in the use of smartphones, so routines that have been influenced and subconsciously internalized can once again become intended actions.» – Thore Reigber & Janosch Tillich

«Justr» allows you to add additional apps. Photo: Thore Reigber & Janosch Tillich. © ZHdK.
«Justr» allows you to add additional apps. Photo: Thore Reigber & Janosch Tillich. © ZHdK.

Janosch Tillich is a trained automation technician and a sneaker aficionado who discovered his passion for technology and its applications early on in his life. Due to his professional experience in product development, he eventually found his way into the fascinating world of user experience design. After graduating in Interaction Design he now devotes himself to the design of empowering products, while continuing to add to his sneaker collection.

Janosch Tillich

After his A-levels at the Kantonsschule Stadelhofen, Thore Reigber completed his civilian service which involved work in nature preservation and in an old people’s home. He then followed his passion for design, taking a foundation course and then studying Interaction Design at the ZHdK. Thore is particularly inspired and fascinated by speculative design which offered him space for creative development and the imagining of new possibilities during his studies. He currently handles smaller commissions and projects as a freelancer and can picture himself working in the areas of service design or product development in the future.

Thore Reigber

Together with other fellow alumni, Janosch and Thore are working to establish a design studio named «Studio Kuss».