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(Re-)Imagining Sex Work through Digital Storytelling

The Internet has opened the door into our most private spaces and virtuality has infiltrated our bodies, merging reality and fiction. The first cam-girls of the 90s were important early examples of how the internet could create a cyborg subject by integrating human images with the internet, setting the conversation regarding the relationship of technology and gender, sex and the performative body. By merging art, technology and participatory design, «Syntia_cam» is a commentary on sex workers’ evolving relationship with digital media and its impact on their daily lives. The project aims to contribute to the destigmatization of sex work by bringing to the public space new perspectives and experiences, challenging traditional notions of representation and perception.

Cooperation partners:
ZHdK Immersive Art Space (IAS)


Interview Ludovica Galleani d'Agliano.

«Ludovica’s project «Syntia_CAM» brings to the forefront people that are often stigmatised, stereotyped and devalued as they are sex workers. This project instead gives them agency and empowers them to take control of aspects of their online representation. Sex work and the Internet have had the longest relationship, yet the pioneering history is not well known, and sex workers are still for the majority not involved in the tools, the platforms, the transaction modalities, the interfaces that they are using every day. «Syntia_CAM» through iterative workshops and co-design methods actually created an environment where for once sex workers were able to have the main voice in the UX design process while being able to reflect on the digital identities they want to have.» – Excerpt from the supporting statement of the Subject Area in Interaction Design

Keyvisual «Syntia_CAM». Photo: Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano. © ZHdK.
Keyvisual «Syntia_CAM». Photo: Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano. © ZHdK.

«What make «Syntia_cam» innovative is certainly the use of 3D avatars and motion capture technology to enable and expand a critical discourse about digital sex work in the public space. Moreover, the use of participatory research and performance allowed the creation of a space where the participants have brought their experiences and creative imagination, actively contributing to the final artefact.» – Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano

Excerpt from the video performance «Syntia_CAM». Screenshot: Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano. © ZHdK.
Excerpt from the video performance «Syntia_CAM». Screenshot: Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano. © ZHdK.

«In the future I would like to continue researching the intersection of new technologies, feminism and pop culture. I am fascinated by the ways in which technology is changing the perception of our identity, questioning the assumptions and power that are embedded in digital structures. I would like to keep using my design and art practice to trig some uncomfortable conversations.» – Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano

Documentation of the Motion Capture Production for «Syntia_CAM». Photo: Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano. © ZHdK.
Documentation of the Motion Capture Production for «Syntia_CAM». Photo: Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano. © ZHdK.

Master degree in Interaction Design at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) in 2023, awarded with the «Excellence scholarship design» in 2021 and the «ZHdK Forderpreis» in 2023 with the project «Syntia_CAM». She graduated with Honours from the Bachelor in Visual Communication Design at the Polytechnical University of Turin. During the last years, she worked for several cultural events and organisations such as Videoex, an experimental film festival in Zurich, and she participated in several transcultural projects, among them «Transcultural Collaborations» a semester program in Singapore and Yogyakarta, where she had the chance to meet and collaborate with students and art practitioners from Asia and Europe.
Ludovica Galleani d’Agliano